Prawo do decydowania/ Right to decide

Przeczytałam wczoraj na Onecie felieton „Najważniejszy lek na depresję to wiedza”, w którym Paulina Młynarska przyznaje się do choroby oraz etapów poprzedzających ją, tj. cyklicznych jesiennych spadków nastroju (w tym miejscu tematycznie nawiązuję do powakacyjnej melancholii, braku słońca, emocjonalnego doła, opisywanego kilka notek temu, np. tu). Dzisiaj o problemie przedłużających się okresów przygnębienia, a także o zdiagnozowanej depresji mówi się głośno i odważnie.

Paulina przyznała, że: „gdyby nie pomoc i trzeźwość myślenia moich mądrych przyjaciółek, gdyby nie ich stanowcze działania, by mnie zaciągnąć do lekarza i przypilnować, abym trzymała się jego zaleceń, byłoby ze mną superkiepsko. Dzięki nim zrozumiała, jak bardzo potrzebuje pomocy terapeutycznej, skorzystała więc z terapii, ale co ważne, nie przerwała jej nawet przy pierwszych objawach poprawy.

W tym momencie mogłabym skończyć czytanie felietonu, uznając, że ja to wszystko o depresji już wiem. Z wywiadów innych celebrytów, z filmów, z Google, czy z różnego rodzaju mediów, które uwielbiają pisać o ludzkich tragediach.

Jednak Paulina Młynarska powiedziała coś bardzo ważnego, o czym chcę wspomnieć. Otóż, ona wybrała kilka zaufanych osób z bliskiego otoczenia i poprosiła, by wysłuchały wszystkiego co wie o swojej depresji od lekarzy i jakiego typu pomoc może jej być potrzebna, gdyby nastąpił nawrót choroby. Dała im prawo do działania nawet wtedy, gdyby broniła się przed udzieleniem pomocy.

I to co wyboldowałam jest według mnie najważniejsze w całym felietonie.

Czy wiesz jak zachować trzeźwość myślenia i zadziałać w sposób stanowczy wobec osoby, która na skutek choroby zatraciła zdolność właściwej oceny rzeczywistości i uważa, że nie potrzebuje żadnej pomocy? Tylko postępując wbrew niej, nawet jeśli serce pęka.  Czy ktoś z Was był kiedyś w takiej sytuacji?

Ponieważ zarówno samej depresji, jak i innych chorób psychicznych, jest coraz więcej (nie będę pisać o wpływie cywilizacji, bo to temat na inną notkę), uważam, że w tym przypadku (ale też w wielu innych) powinno się postępować podobnie, jak przy udzielaniu zgody na pobieranie narządów. Trzeba to zrobić odpowiednio wcześniej, zaufać komuś na tyle, by porozmawiać z nim szczerze o własnych obawach, o tym jakie mamy oczekiwania w przypadku choroby, wypadku, śmierci (zostać skremowanym czy nie, utrzymywać resuscytację, nawet jeśli nie ma nadziei czy odłączyć aparaturę, itp.) i udzielić tej osobie prawa do działania w naszym imieniu, gdy utracimy zdolność do jakiekolwiek reakcji.

I read on the Onet column yesterday „The most important drug for depression is knowledge”, in which Paulina Młynarska admits to the disease and stages preceding it, i.e. cyclical fall moods (in this place I refer thematically to post-vacation melancholy, lack of sun, emotional pits, described a few notes ago, e.g. here). Today, about the problem of prolonged periods of sadness, as well as diagnosed depression, is spoken out loud and boldly.

Paulina admitted that „if it were not for the help and sobriety of thinking of my wise friends, if it were not for their firm actions to take me to the doctor and to make sure that I stick to his recommendations, it would be really bad.” Thanks to them, she understood how much she needed therapeutic help, so she took advantage of the therapy, but what is important, she did not stop it even at the first symptoms of improvement.

At this moment, I could finish reading a column, considering that I know everything about depression. From interviews with other celebrities, from films, from Google, or from various media that love to write about human tragedies.

However, Paulina Młynarska said something very important, which I want to mention. Well, she chose a few trusted people close to her, and asked them to listen to everything she knew about her depression from doctors and what kind of help she might need if she had a relapse. She gave them the right to act even if she would defend herself against providing help.

Do you know, how to keep the sobriety of thinking and act decisively in the face of a person who, as a result of illness, lost the ability to properly assess reality and believes that he does not need any help?
The answer is: only by acting against it, even if the heart breaks. Have you ever been in such situation?

Because there is more and more of depression as well as other mental illnesses (I will not write about the influence of civilization, because this is a topic for another note), I think that in this case (but also in others that I will mention in a moment) should be proceed in the same way as when consenting to the procurement of organs. You have to think about it sooner, trust someone enough, to talk honestly about your fears, what are your expectations in case of illness, accident, death (to be cremated or not, to keep resuscitating even if there is no hope etc.) and give this person the right to act on our behalf when we lose the ability to any reaction.

31 myśli w temacie “Prawo do decydowania/ Right to decide

  1. Choć o depresji coraz głośniej się mówi, coraz więcej wie, to kiedy dotyka bliską osobę bywamy bezradni, jak ta nie chce podjąć leczenia, skorzystać z pomocy.
    Uciekamy też od rozmów o rzeczach ostatecznych.


  2. We have perrennial sunshine and yet for our lil red dot we have many cases of depression. Even young children. Work and school pressures. As our world progresses it gets harder to keep up for daily needs.


    1. No i dodam jeszcze, że ja byłam w takiej sytuacji, raz jeden. Nie żałuję, że podjęłam się tej trudnej roli zmuszenia pacjenta do leczenia. Pacjent żyje!


          1. The Difference Between Sadness and Depression

            Sadness is a normal human emotion. We’ve all experienced it and we all will again. Sadness is usually triggered by a difficult, hurtful, challenging, or disappointing event, experience, or situation. In other words, we tend to feel sad about something. This also means that when that something changes, when our emotional hurt fades, when we’ve adjusted or gotten over the loss or disappointment, our sadness remits.

            Depression is an abnormal emotional state, a mental illness that affects our thinking, emotions, perceptions, and behaviors in pervasive and chronic ways. When we’re depressed we feel sad about everything. Depression does not necessarily require a difficult event or situation, a loss, or a change of circumstance as a trigger. In fact, it often occurs in the absence of any such triggers. People’s lives on paper might be totally fine—they would even admit this is true—and yet they still feel horrible.

            Depression colors all aspects of our lives, making everything less enjoyable, less interesting, less important, less lovable, and less worthwhile.

            Depression saps our energy, motivation, and ability to experience joy, pleasure, excitement, anticipation, satisfaction, connection, and meaning.

            All your thresholds tend to be lower. You’re more impatient, quicker to anger and get frustrated, quicker to break down, and it takes you longer to bounce back from everything.

            Here is a post for you …

            Am I Depressed or Just Really Sad?



            1. Yes, thant’s right, but… It can happen that long-lasting sadness will turn into depression because the cause of this sadness does not disappear. This is the case of death or illness of very close people. A depression can become the implication. Don’t you think?

              Polubione przez 1 osoba

              1. Not for all the people…. Only to those that they don’t know theirselfes….

                They don’t have someone to love them and care them ….

                I believe that the first thing is to love ourselfes ……


                1. I’ve always believed that as long as somebody is able to enjoy the trifles, minims, he is ok, he is healthy. And whenever I feel sad, I remind, what is always improved my mood and try doing that. If I still feel some kind of pleasure, I trust that there is no cause for concern. It is a kind of examination. Those minims can be for example new post on my blog, or some small gadget.

                  Polubione przez 1 osoba

                  1. I like your thought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I will wait for this post!!!!

                    Because my life has not been rosy until now, I try to stay optimistic by trying new things, helping other people when they have trouble, reading, making constructions, going to nature, listening to music and other things so I get the strength to go on !!


    1. Really in Greece is the same problem?? I didn’t know. Poland has strong climate, no sunshine during the winter time, and doctors say that it is one of reason of depress, but at Greece sunshine is all the time!! Does it not good influence for human minds?

      Polubione przez 2 ludzi

      1. When someone has depression … he don’t see sunshine.. only „dark”…

        It is personal choice to accept that nobody is super happy…. all of us have problems … and all we need to accept us.. to be proud of us .. to love us..

        But first of all we have to love ourselfes first of all….

        Polubione przez 2 ludzi

        1. And becouse of that I think that the worst what we have is current civilization, focused on expectations and not on acceptance. Expectations towards oneself, one’s body, work, life, husband, wife and children. This is not unconditional acceptance and love, this is constantly demanding of changing ourselfes.

          Polubione przez 1 osoba

          1. People define themselves in terms of ancestry, religion, language, history, values, customs, and institutions.

            They identify with cultural groups: tribes, ethnic groups, religious communities, nations, and, at the broadest level, civilizations.

            People use politics not just to advance their interests but also to define their identity.

            We know who we are only when we know who we are not and often only when we know whom we are against.”

            ― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

            Polubione przez 1 osoba

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